1. Last Expense (LE): this benefit becomes payable to the family of the deceased life assured within 48 hours of receipt of notification of death within the cover period. This benefit is stand-alone.
2. No exclusion on HIV/AIDS, passive war, terrorism, Invasion, Act of Foreign Enemy, Hostility or Warlike operation, Civil War, Rebellion, Revolution, Insurrection, Military or usurped power or popular rising martial law, strike, riot, civil commotion or mutiny at no additional cost.
3. Cover is on 24 hour worldwide basis
4. No accumulation limits on the benefit payments; no limits per person, per event or per annum i.e. 100% of benefits are payable in the event of the insured risk arising.
5. No excess payments required.
6. Main members, spouses, parents and parents’ in-law are covered from age 18-80 years. Children should be aged between 3 months and 24 years. For children above 21 years there should be proof that the child is still in school and under parental care.
7. Waiting period for main life, spouse and children is 30 days and 3 months waiting period for parents for natural deaths but no waiting period for accidental deaths.